Friday, December 4, 2009

The Linux OS: Perfect for the Hosting Environment

Linux is a prime example of how the open-source revolution has reached the pinnacle of software development. Based off the Unix operating system, its source code is freely available, meaning it can be used, modified and redistributed at no cost. The main kernel at the heart of every Linux system today was developed by Linus Torvalds, a student who attended the University of Helsinki in Finland. In the beginning, the system was primarily but sparingly used by die hard fans and experienced users due to its complexity. However, it was not long before it was adopted and used in server hardware produced by IBM, Hewlett Packard, Novel and Microsystems. Today, Linux is a dominant force in the web hosting industry and steadily gaining a sizable marketing share as a PC operating system.
The Flexibility of Linux
Throughout the years, Linux has established itself as a cost effective, highly configurable and flexible operating system that is currently used in everything from television set top boxes to cell phones as an embedded platform. Some of the common hardware components it programs include Linkysys routers, switches and firewalls, the popular TiVo digital video recorder and most notably in 2005, two of the worlds fastest supercomputers. In fact, a whopping 88.6% (443) out of 500 supercomputers rated use the Linux operating system as their platform as of June, 2009. This system has built up such an impressive track record that it has become the preferred choice for servers in the business environment. Its popularity can be attributed to processing power and availability many other systems have a difficult time competing with.
Linux and Web Hosting
Linux web hosting came about due to a need for enhanced stability, performance and reliability for servicing a domain. When it comes to hosting a website, there are very few operating systems that can compare to the power and reliability of this platform. The internet itself is based on interconnected networking computers, something that comes naturally for Linux. This is mainly because a large majority of the networking protocols and technologies used to enable the internet are based on Unix, the system from which Linux gets most of its traits. The incorporation of these protocols and technologies has resulted in the unrivaled adaptability, stability and security that has made Linux one of the most powerful operating systems available today. In addition, its seamless compatibility with Apache and MySQL are more examples of how it helped to power and lead the way in the open-source software phenomenon.
Perhaps the greatest advantage of Linux hosting is that software has been developed to support the platform at an explosive rate. This again, is coupled with the fact that is capable of running just about any protocol or web service, which makes it an ideal choice for hosting. The market for server operating systems is growing fast and while Microsoft Windows will likely continue to be a worthy competitor, Linux will always be a major player in the world of web hosting.

Benefitting from Fully Managed Hosting

Information Technology has become the crutch for the modern day business owner. These days, the business that lacks a strong IT base and web presence will have a very difficult time remaining in existence. The major hurdle is that unless your company is well versed in the IT field, keeping up with the intricacies of web servers and networking can be next to impossible. Unfortunately, an alarming number of companies find themselves spending a lot of money trying to maintain a full fledged IT operation in-house. After exhausting budgets on equipment and staff, many find that entire process is often more trouble than it is actually worth. There is an alternative to the complexities of in-house set ups and that solution is known as fully managed hosting.
What is Fully Managed Hosting?
Fully managed hosting is a type of arrangement that gives you the opportunity to outsource your IT needs to a professional staff of trained experts. The mere structure of the service allows your IT team to free up the time needed to focus on the core aspects of the business. In some organizations, it may eliminate the need for an IT department altogether. Although such a service is not exactly cheap to obtain, many businesses find it well worth the price as it helps them save tremendously over the long run in comparison to establishing and maintaining the same environment in-house.
How Fully Managed Hosting Works
When contracting a service provider for a fully managed hosting solution, you are typically provided with daily administration and maintenance of your IT infrastructure. This may include web servers, web applications and database servers among other vital components. All of the data that would normally be stored in-house is transferred to the provider’s servers, which has a few advantages in its own right. If you are dealing with a reputable firm, you can rest assured of a solution that is up to date with the latest advancements in web technology and information security. Since you no longer have to spend money investing in and maintaining new technology, your business will be able to scale much easier as it grows and technology continues to evolve. Fully managed hosting is one of the best ways to help your company reach its fully potential.
This type of managed hosting also gives you a tremendous advantage from a support aspect. A reputable provider will make sure you can reach its support staff 24/7 to deal with any problems that may arise at any given time. In addition to this, you generally get the benefit of around the clock monitoring to ensure that if issues do crop up, they will not go undetected for long. The extensive support features alone are enough for many companies to consider a managed hosting service.
Grasping the Invaluable Benefits
Fully managed hosting is ideal for companies of various sizes, especially those that are small but growing at a steady rate. The benefits are plentiful, but perhaps the greatest attribute to these services is the peace of mind they offer. When opting for a managed hosting provider that is capable of handing all of your IT needs, you can rest comfortably by knowing things will be taken care of without having to endure an internal disaster.

Choosing a Linux Platform for Your Hosting Needs

If you are the least bit familiar with the web hosting business, then you have probably heard of a piece of software called Linux. Originally created in 1991, Linux quickly became one of the most widely used operating systems on the market, emerging as a viable alternative to popular options such as Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Linux is adored by its fan base for many reasons, and among them is an open-source license that makes it cost efficient and highly customizable. A global community of developers are constantly working to improve the software, which adds to its power and stability. There are a number of Linux distributions available, and below we will examine some you might encounter when looking for a hosting package.
Ubuntu Hosting
The first distribution we will discuss is Ubuntu. This flavor of Linux is very popular because it offers several features that are comparable to Windows web hosting, which makes the system much easier to use. The biggest downside to Ubuntu is that it is better suited as a personal desktop operating system rather than a server platform. Therefore, this particular distribution is not as widely used as its counterparts in the hosting environment. That does not mean it cannot be used because Ubuntu makes a viable option for various types of server configurations.
Kubuntu Hosting
Just by the name, you can probably tell that the Kubuntu distribution is quite similar to Ubuntu. In fact, these two platforms are nearly identical in terms of operation and functionality. The most notable distinction is that they utilize two different types of file systems. Apart from that, these operating systems offer the same level of stability, performance and reliability, making both ideal for website hosting and desktop use as well.
Debian Hosting
Debian hosting revolves around a server platform based on both the Ubuntu and Kubuntu operating systems. It is currently the most widely used Linux distribution in the web hosting industry. While it is considerably more complex and difficult, Debian offers the superior flexibility and reliability needed to keep a multitude of websites up and running. Despite its complexities, this software is ideal as both a server and desktop operating system.
Fedora Hosting
Fedora is another common Linux distribution and one that is often bundled with dedicated server hosting plans. It is based on RedHat Linux, which is a commercial distribution and the Linux platform designed to compete with Microsoft Windows. Though prevalent on the hosting marketplace, Fedora is primarily used as a server platform for older machines due to its limitations and ability to thrive exceptionally well by using fewer system resources.