Too Many Options ... There are many choices in the market for web hosting and choosing a web hosting provider can be very confusing because there are many technical details, lots of hype and all the host of advertising for its web offer as being the best offer on the market. This article contains information to help you choose the best offer accommodation for your money. Of course you can go to choose the most expensive package is offered by a host, and normally you can not go wrong with that, but if you have, say, a site presenting a small selection will be wasting your money. The first thing to do before you start looking for a web host is to analyze your site (s). Well, you do not need to write ten pages of the report or to be a web developer, just an analysis of "surface" is sufficient. You should consider the following: Technical details Website. A Web site can be developed using various programming languages and web technologies. There, you should talk to programmers who have or have developed your website and ask them the technology they have or have used. The most common use of Web technologies to develop a website: HTML, CGI-BIN, Perl, Python, PHP, ASP and JSP. Some sites require Microsoft FrontPage extensions or SSI (Server Side Include). You will need this information because, for example, if your site is developed with PHP version 4.4.2 and newer of the host PHP 4.0.2 is installed then you should ask your host or to upgrade the server PHP on the computer or find another host, because the site might not work as expected and it will not be the fault of the programmers. It's the same with the server database. If your site uses a database to store and retrieve information or other content, you must know the type and version of the database used. Here, the MySQL server is the most popular database used on web servers. Conclusion: You do not need to remember or understand all of these technologies, do not programmers write and so when you ask your web host package, you know what to ask. The size of the site (s). We discussed this in the article explained Hosting. In the past, thanks to the hard drive technology at that time, disk space was a problem. But the hard drive technology "evolved and we now find, taller and bigger hard drives. The size of a web page remained the same because the text and pictures do not expand their size, on the contrary, we now have smaller image formats optimized for Web display. Due to the small size of files' of you might also consider the possibility of hosting a single account on several websites, if the hosting package allows. Thus, for 95% of sites, regardless of the size of the hosting package is, it is more than enough. There are some exceptions, such as: E-commerce sites with large product catalogs with product descriptions and ample product images; The music store where artists can upload songs, and users can download in MP3 format. When it comes to size, average file size of a song is 3-4 MB; Sites that need to store and archive or new members (and they have thousands of members). Estimated bandwidth. Bandwidth Limit is one of the most important factors in choosing a hosting package. Get your site successfully, sooner or later, and that means an increased number of visitors and page visits. This implies that more data and more will be transferred and the bandwidth will be increasingly used. And the bandwidth is very important because if the limit is reached, the site is no longer available or you get charged extra for additional bandwidth used. And it is not cheap! If, for example, you get 400 GB of data transfer included in the package that you paid for, say $ 7.99 for an additional 1 GB over the limit, you will be billed $ 3-4. Also, if you move or copy files often to and from your hosting account, this means that the additional traffic. The bandwidth is also related to the size of site, so if you have large e-commerce sites or sites that store lots of pictures and files available for download or upload, is expected to use increased bandwidth. It is difficult to estimate, but say that initially, a bandwidth of 200-250 GB per month is sufficient for most websites. The price factor And because money makes the world go round, it all boils down to price. Depending on your budget, you can choose from three types of hosting: free, shared or dedicated / collocated. Free or cheap accommodation. Yes, there are companies that offer free disk space or a very low price (eg $ 0.99/month). They generally create a subdomain of their own domain ( example), but some hosting companies even allow you to use your own domain name. In exchange for free space, they will put ads on top or on other aspects of your web pages. In addition to advertising, they usually offer a control panel for your hosting account, access the server database, PHP scripting and other scripts installed. But if you have a site, just small and you do not worry too much about reliability or performance, free hosting might be for you. Why pay for a limousine when you only need a small car to get from point A to point B? Shared hosting. This is the most common type of hosting package and this is the best choice for most webmasters future. You rent a little space and bandwidth on a server and a low price, you get a lot of features and technical support. The offer is rich, from plans very low cost (around $ 5-6 per month). Plans more expensive ($ 15-25) generally offer more space and more bandwidth. Dedicated / Colocated hosting. If your website is a critical time is worth spending money on a dedicated server. The biggest advantage offered by the dedicated servers is that you will not have reliability problems that could occur with shared hosting, so your site stays on the server a "crowded". Also, you can install and configure the server dedicated to your taste. Of course, all this has a price: dedicated servers typically start at about $ 100 per month. Collocated with accommodation, you'll actually buy the hardware on which the site is hosted, no rent, simply. Thus, before looking for a hosting package, analyze your housing needs, taking into account the following: Knowledge of technologies used in building your site; Based on what your site offers, estimate the size of your bandwidth and website; Establish a budget that you want to spend on accommodation.
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